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            18961793906  設為首頁 | 加入收藏

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            Our service items include:

            一、會計服務  Accounting:

            月度財務報表(中國會計準則)  Monthly financial report (PRC GAAP)

            月度財務報表(國際財務報告準則) Monthly financial report (IFRS)

            共享服務中心 Shared service center

            財務人員培訓 Training of financial staff

            解決特殊會計問題   Solution of special accounting problems


            Teller services, including the payment of cash, keeping of cash account, reimbursement of staff expenses and cash budget.

            開具發票   Issuing of invoices


            Provide suggestions on the choice, customization, installment and operation of financial software. Provide training on new accounting processing program and the operation of new software.

            二、常年定期會計服務 Regular accounting services

            支付流程設立   Establish payment procedures

            出納服務  Teller services

            海外匯款服務   Overseas remittance services

            會計系統建立服務  Establish accounting systems

            記賬服務 Accounting services

            符合中國會計準則的財務報表  Fiscal report in accordance with PRC GAAP

            國際會計準則 / 美國會計準則報告   IFRS/ US GAAP

            開具發票  Issuing of invoices

            庫存管理   Inventory management

            年度審計協助   Annual auditing assistance

            年檢  Annual inspection

            短期會計服務   Short-term accounting services

            三、稅務申報服務:Tax declaration services:

            企業  Corporate

            月度/季度企業所得稅申報  Monthly/quarterly declaration of corporate tax

            年度企業所得稅匯算清繳  Annual financial statement of corporate tax

            稅務量身定做咨詢顧問服務  customized tax consulting services

            個人  Individual

            月度個人所得稅申報  Monthly declaration of individual tax

            個人所得稅追溯申報  Retrospect declaration of individual tax

            年度個人得稅申報  Annual declaration of individual tax

            四、稅務咨詢服務Tax consulting services:

            企業 Corporate


            Provide corporate tax plan for commercial pattern and restructuring proposal

            轉移定價咨詢  Transfer pricing consulting

            稅務盡職調查  Tax due diligence

            年度企業所得稅匯算清繳 Annual settlement of corporate tax

            公司間服務協議審閱 Inter-corporate service agreement check

            代扣代繳預提所得稅  Payment of withholding tax

            特殊稅務事項處理  Treatment of special tax affairs


            個人所得稅咨詢服務 Individual tax consulting services

            個人所得稅籌劃包括稅收平衡計劃建議 Individual tax plan, including suggestions on tax balance plan


            法定審計/中國會計準則審計  Legal auditing/ PRC GAAP

            美國會計準則/國際會計準則審計 US GAAP/ IFRS

            驗資  Verification

            年檢  Annual inspection

            商定程序 Agreed-upon procedures

            六、在中國設立公司Establishment of companies in China


            For those overseas investors who are unfamiliar with the situations in China, registration of a company or representative office in China can be very complicated. It needs complex approval and registration procedures, often with different requirements and actual operation in different regions.


            We can help foreign-funded enterprises from around the world to conduct business in China with speed. We provide a series of services including company registration, establishment of representative offices and other services. Whether you are seeking to establish an investment carrier or set up a business entity, or looking for a proper location for operation, we can help to establish the most appropriate organization for you in China based on your current investment scale and future development plans, and maximize the use of local incentives and tax incentives.


            Through our one-stop service, you can set up the following types of companies:

            外商代表處  Foreign representative offices

            外商獨資企業 Foreign-owned enterprises

            中外合資企業 Joint venture

            中外合作企業  Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises

            外商投資商業企業 Foreign-funded commercial enterprises

            企業注冊咨詢服務還包括Our corporate registration consulting services also includes


            Consultation of market environment, investment environment and favorable policies


            Analysis of group company structure


            Analysis of tax structure


            Basic procedures and requirements of corporate registration in China

            公司法對公司的合規要求Compliance requirements in Corporate Law

            七、企業秘書服務:Corporate secretary


            To conduct business in China, you need approval from various organizations. It is quite complicated to find the right department and submit the right materials. Therefore, many enterprises are more inclined to seek help from professionals. We can help you prepare the complete and correct application materials, and rapidly submit to relevant department and minimize the time for approval.


            Meanwhile, we have the perfect client record management system to ensure the security of administrative record materials and company seals, as well as the compliance of the company’s existence and operation in China.

            企業秘書服務包括:Corporate secretary services include

            長期企業合規咨詢服務  Long-term corporate compliance consulting services

            企業法律合規管理   Corporate legal compliance management

            公司背景調查   Corporate background survey

            政府、法定機構相關規定的咨詢服務  Relevant consulting services of government and legal organizations

            公司健康檢查、維護法定登記冊及其他記錄  Corporate health examination, maintenance of legal registration and other records

            公司印章、證書及執照保管 Keeping of company seal, certificate and license

            企業年檢和證照到期延期  Corporate annual inspection and extension of licenses

            董事會秘書   Secretary of the board

            翻譯服務  Translation services

            八、其他企業咨詢服務:Other corporate consulting services

            公司清算及注銷服務 (公司注銷專題)

            Corporate clearance and cancellation services (corporate cancellation special)

            九、人事咨詢服務:Personnel consulting services

            人事體系評估 Personnel system assessment

            人事表格和公函模板 Personnel forms and official letter template

            勞動合同  Labor contract

            員工手冊 Staff manual

            員工背景調查 Staff background survey

            薪資調研及標桿 Salary survey and benchmark

            勞動爭議處理  Treatment of labor dispute

            征信調查 Credit investigation

            離職面談  Leave office interview

            人事行政支持  Personnel administrative support

            培訓(入職培訓/人事政策及流程) Training (Orientation/Personnel policies and procedures)

            十、人事支持服務:Personnel support services

            社會保險登記  Social insurance registration

            非本地居民居住登記  residence registration of non local residents

            招工/退工登記  Employment/ termination registration

            統計局報告   Report to the consensus bureau

            年度社保及住房公積金基數調整報告 Annual base adjustment report of social insurance and housing fund

            休假管理政策   Leave management policies

            十一、薪酬外包服務:Salary outsourcing

            薪資計算   Salary calculation

            薪資發放   Salary allocation

            管理報告及電子工資單服務   Management report and electrical payroll services

            員工補充醫療保險服務  Staff supplementary medical insurance services

            員工關愛    Staff care

            十二、外籍員工服務:Foreign staff services


            Currently, more and more foreigners come to work in Chinese mainland. Foreign staff needs to face the laws and legal stipulations unique in China as well as difference in culture and language. All these pose great challenges to them.



            Whether you have just arrived in China or already settled down, you can solve all your employment problems with the help of our foreign staff services, which includes preparation of work visa and various written materials. We also provide services of physical examination and medical insurance plan, etc..

            By outsourcing these complicated written works to us, you can have more time to experience the local culture of China and better integrate into the new work environment.

            體檢安排  Arrangement of physical examination

            外籍員工工作證申請  Foreign staff work permit application

            外籍員工居住證及工作簽證申請  Foreign staff residence permit and wok visa application

            外籍員工家屬相關申請服務  Relevant application services for relatives of foreign staff

            其他相關證件及準證申請  Application of other licenses

            全球體檢及醫療保險推薦 Global recommendation of physical examination and medical insurance services

            個人所得稅服務  Individual tax services

            商務簽證  Business visa

            培訓(入職培訓/語言培訓/當地文化禮儀) Training (Orientation/ language training/local culture and etiquette )

            我們將秉承周到,真誠,專業的服務宗旨為您提供專業和細致的服務! 感謝您的支持和理解!歡迎您與我們聯系接洽!

            We shall sincerely provide you with professional and considerate services. Thank you for your support and looking forward to meeting you.


            版權所有:無錫正圓財務管理有限責任公司 備案號:蘇ICP備16002572號 技術支持:江蘇百拓